
Gigi's Scallion Cream Cheese holds a special place in our hearts, as it originates from a cherished family recipe, first introduced by Lenore's mother. This unique and flavorful spread is generously loaded with chopped hard-boiled egg, fresh cut scallions, and a hint of black pepper, creating a harmonious blend of tastes and textures.

Our Scallion Cream Cheese is a delightful addition to our bagels, providing a savory touch that complements the various flavors of our artisan creations. However, its versatility extends beyond just bagels; it can be enjoyed with an array of dishes, adding a burst of flavor and richness to your culinary adventures.

Experience Gigi's Scallion Cream Cheese with our bagels or experiment with other dishes, and discover the wonderful taste and texture that has been cherished by our family for generations.

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